TTOC PPROCESS PLIMITS PSUPPORT ERETURN HELP - ABOUT RXFER Freeware RXfer (pronounced "rex-fer"), and its sister Shareware Rxfer, Plus are tools to help keep track of to and from where you transfer files. Have you ever looked at Robocomm 4.0's Downloaded Files database and wondered to which systems you have uploaded a particular file? If so, RXfer is for you. Via easy to use lookup tables, you can see the file transfer history Table of Contents of all the files Robocomm has Processing TRANSFER.LOG transferred for you. At a glance Program Requirements/Limits you know where the file is from, Program Support and to what systems it has been Exit Help uploaded. With this information, it is easy to see what systems are good candidates for particular uploads. [ESC] = Exit Help HELP - CANNOT PRINT RXfer is unable to print the order form. The printer must be on LPT1. If it is not, print the RXFER.FRM file and fill it out by hand. [ESC] = Exit Help K`` TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP The Log Detail window displays all of the information kept for a specific transfer. If you pressed [DELETE] from the table, then here you confirm that you do wish to delete this record by pressing [ENTER]. [ESC] cancels the delete. Table Of Contents Help On Help Exit Help [ESC] = Exit Help HELP Select NO or YES. NO: Exit program - DO NOT create RXFER.CFG. Next time you run RXfer, you will come back to here. YES: Exit program - CREATE RXFER.CFG. Next time RXfer is run, it will auto-process any TRANSFER.LOG file it finds. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC ERETURN Help On Help Help Menu Some Help screens have Help Keys a Help Menu from which you may choose options [PgUp] Previous Help Screen (if any). that may provide more Move Highlight on Help Menu information. (if any). [ENTER] Help Menu: Choose Highlighted Selection. [ENTER] No Help Menu: Same as [ESC]. Table of Contents [ESC] Exit Help. Exit Help [ESC] = Exit Help J`` TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP - RXFER PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Requirements: 400K bytes disk space (program files) + about 20, bytes per 100 transfers on file. 410K free RAM (extra RAM is used to increase performance). DOS 3.3 or higher (DR DOS works fine). REGISTERED copy of ROBOCOMM 4.0+. Installation in ROBOCOMM subdirectory. FILES=20 or greater. Recommend a disk cache. Recommend an 80286 or Table of Contents better. Help on Help Database Exit Help Limitations: 2 Billion File Transfers 2 Billion BBS's. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP KEYS: Highlight Menu Selection [ENTER] Choose Highlighted Selection List All Files Alphabetically List Files Transferred To/From A Specific BBS Export Into ASCII Format Order Shareware RXfer Plus Table of Contents Help on Help Exit Help [ESC] = Exit Help ! 3 4 TTOC HHELPHELP HELP Export To TRANSFER.LOG NO: Exit to previous menu. YES: Export entire database to TRANSFER.LOG, first deleting any existing TRANSFER.LOG. All records are exported in a format similar to Robocomm's TRANSFER.LOG. No duplicate entries are contained in the created TRANSFER.LOG file. Table of Contents Help on Help [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC APLUS ERETURN HELP - PRINT ORDER FORM NO: Do not print order form. Exit back to order screen. YES: Print order form, then return to Main Menu. Before printing, be sure your printer is on and ready. Table of Contents About RXfer Plus Exit Help [ESC] = Exit help `` TTOC APLUS ERETURN HELP - ORDERING RXFER PLUS To order Shareware RXfer Plus, simply fill in each blank as best you can and then print out and send the order form to PCCS (the address is imprinted on the order form when you print it) with your check or money order. Remember, Shareware RXfer Plus will be available on about June 01, 1992. If you send in your check or money order early, it will be cashed and you will be welcomed into the beta testing process. Beta testing is Table of Contents already under way! When your About RXfer Plus order is received you will be sent Exit Help the current beta and instructions on how to participate. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC ERETURN HELP - SHAREWARE RXFER PLUS Shareware RXfer Plus offers many more options and much finer control of every aspect of the program. Highlights: Batch Processing of TRANSFER.LOG Lookup of File or BBS Activity From Within Robocomm! Lots of Statistics - Total Files/Bytes Transferred; Total Time Spent Transferring; More Printed Reports of Upload Candidates Up to 99 aged "Spill" Files (TRANSFER.001, .002, etc.) Automatic Aging/Purging of Old File Activity Registered Copy of Robocomm Not Required Much, Much More! To order, select Print Order Form from the Main Menu, fill it out and Table of Contents send it to: Exit Help PC Consulting Services PO Box 30137 Columbia MO 65205-3137 [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC AABOUT DLIMITS SPLUS ERETURN HELP - PROCESSING TRANSFER.LOG Freeware RXfer automatically processes, upon startup, the TRANSFER.LOG program created by Robocomm 4.0+. During processing, the TRANSFER.LOG entries and moved to a file named TRANSFER.001. Once processing is complete, TRANSFER.LOG is deleted (this ensures no duplicate entries Robocomm will re-create TRANSFER.LOG the next time a file transfer takes place. During processing, new file transfers are added to the Table of Contents XFERFILE.DAT database About RXfer file and new BBS's are added to Database Limitations the XFERBBS.DAT database file. Shareware RXfer Plus Exit Help If you need full control over TRANSFER.LOG processing, you need Shareware RXfer Plus. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC ERETURN HELP - PROGRAM REGISTRATION RXfer is Freeware. That means it costs $0.00. Thus, you do not need to register RXfer. You are encouraged to share RXfer with others. Please note, RXfer is for the use of those folks who have registered Robocomm. This is the only restriction to the use of RXfer. Please note, RXfer is NOT Public Domain! It is Copyrighted software Table of Contents that is sold at no cost Exit Help to the user. The author of RXfer reserves all rights to RXfer. [ESC] = Exit Help HELP FREEWARE RXfer is intended as a utility for registered ROBOCOMM users only. Look for SHAREWARE RXfer Plus on a BBS near you! It is for any user of ROBOCOMM, but does require a registration fee to be paid if you use the program. It includes many features not included in this FREEWARE version. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP - RXFER PROGRAM SUPPORT Freeware RXfer support comes in two forms - electronic (via support BBS or Compuserve) and in writing. Voice support is not available. The author, Ron Eisner, may be contacted via private E-Mail on Compuserve. Send E-Mail to CIS ID 74010,3011. Alternately, you can contact Ron on the Planet X BBS in Columbia MO at 314.443.0319 (N81). Join the PCCS Distribution and Support Conference and/or leave E-Mail. Ron monitors the RIME and I-LINK ROBOCOMM echo conferences. Support is not guaranteed in these conferences, but it is worth a try. Or write to Ron Eisner at: Table of Contents PC Consulting Services Help on Help PO Box 30137 Exit Help Columbia MO 65205-3137 [ESC] = Exit Help TTKEYS TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP The BBS List table shows the list of all BBS's to and from which files have been transferred. To see the list of files for a specific BBS, simply move the highlight bar over the BBS in which you are interested and press [ENTER]. Table Keys Table of Contents Help On Help Exit Help [ESC] = Exit Help TTKEYS TTOC & HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP This File Activity window is a scrolling table listing all files in the database. Sort order is alphabetical by Filename and then by BBS. The Locator allows quick Table Keys positioning of the highlight Table Of Contents bar over a desired filename. Help On Help Simply begin typing and the Exit Help highlight will position itself as you type. [ESC] = Exit Help TTKEYS TTOC & HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP This File Activity window is a scrolling table listing all files in the database. Sort order is alphabetical by Filename. The Locator allows quick Table Keys positioning of the highlight Table Of Contents bar over a desired filename. Help On Help Simply begin typing and the Exit Help highlight will position itself as you type. [ESC] = Exit Help TTOC HHELPHELP 7 ERETURN Table Keys HELP ^ = [CTRL] Key Move highlight bar up/down one line. Scroll at top/bottom. [ENTER] View Log Detail for highlighted selection. [PgUp] Scroll up one page. [PgDn] Scroll down one page. ^[PgUp] Move bar to first entry. Table Of Contents ^[PgDn] Move bar to last entry. Help On Help [HOME] Move bar to top of scroll area. Exit Help [END] Move bar to bottom of scroll area. [DELETE] Delete highlighted selection (requires confirmation). [BACKSPACE] Delete one Locator character, reverse bar. ^[BACKSPACE] Clear entire Locator, don't move bar. [ESC] = Exit Help HHELPHELP AABOUT PPROCESS RREGISTER SPLUS ERETURN HELP - TABLE OF CONTENTS Help on Help About RXfer Processing TRANSFER.LOG Registration! Shareware RXfer Plus Exit Help Move Menu Highlight. [ENTER] Choose Highlighted Selection. [ESC] Exit Help. [ESC] = Exit Help `` TTOC HHELPHELP ERETURN HELP RXfer configuration was successful! The next time you run RXfer, you Help Menu will be able to look up and examine Table of Contents your transfers. Also, any new Help On Help TRANSFER.LOG will be auto-processed Exit Help and added to the database. If you want to de-configure RXfer, simply delete the file RXFER.CFG. [ESC] = Exit Help aABOUT CHKDEV_ FFILE FW1STRUN HELPHELPQ LIMITS MAIN MEXPORT T MPRNTORD& ORDERFRM PLUS H' PROCESS REGISTERQ2 ROBOUSR x6 SUPPORT T1BBS G> T1FILACT T2FILACT$E TKEYS (H TOC lM WFWDOS